To allow for efficient and expedient exercise and performance of Council’s powers and duties Council delegates certain authorities to the person holding the position of Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Office delegates authority to staff in various positions.
Delegation to the Mayor
The position of Mayor is delegated to exercise or perform on behalf of the Council the following powers, authorities, duties or functions as well as those specifically described under Section 226 of the Act:-
- Common Seal: The affixing of the Council Seal to any document relating to the business of the Council and upon which Council has resolved to affix the seal.
- Council Seal: Grant and Loan Documents: Authority to affix the Council Seal to documents associated with grant applications and/or grant agreements/deeds and documents associated with loans obtained in accordance with Council's delivery & operational plan.
- Conferences, Seminars and Meetings: To approve (with the General Manager) the attendance of Councillors at any seminar, conference, meeting or training course, where funds have been provided in the budget, provided that such delegation shall not be exercised if there is a Council meeting prior to the closing date of registration unless the Mayor and General Manager are of the view that a delay in registration will preclude Councillors' attendance.
- Correspondence: To sign outgoing correspondence relating to the office of Mayor on behalf of the Council.
- Meeting Recess: To deal (with the General Manager) with matters requiring determination between the last ordinary meeting of the Council for the year and the first ordinary meeting of Council for the following year:
a) Which do not justify the calling of an extra ordinary meeting of Council.
b) Authorise any work which in the Mayor's opinion, is urgent and does not exceed $10,000.
c) Development applications which cannot be approved under officer's delegation require at least four other Councillors to concur to the approval or refusal of the application.
d) Any decision made under delegation to be reported to the Council at its first meeting of the New Year.
- Media Relations: To advise and respond to enquiries from the media and to issue media releases and statements in respect of the affairs of Council.
- General Manager - Temporary Appointment: To appoint a temporary replacement should the holder of the position of General Manager be sick or absent.
- General Manager - Leave: To approve leave of absences for the General Manager.
- Power of Expulsion: To expel any person (whether a Councillor or a member of the public) from any meeting of Council where acts of disorder occurred.
(Resolution 23/18 dated 15 February 2018)
Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer
The person holding the position of General Manager, and from time to time, holding the aforementioned position in an acting capacity, is delegated the authority to exercise Council’s powers, functions, duties and authorities arising from the Act and all other acts, regulations and Council policies, subject to the limitation specified in Section 377 (1) of the Local Government Act.
(Resolution 23/18 dated 15 February 2018)
Delegations to Staff
The current delegations issued by the Chief Executive Officer to staff are listed in the Delegations Register(XLSX, 1MB) .