Council Operated Quarries
Council operates several quarries throughout the region. The purpose of these quarries is to supply materials for Council’s maintenance and construction works.
Quarries are operated on council owned land or private land under agreement with the land owner.
Middlingbank quarry is operated under EPA Licence No EPL 20520. Click on the tab below to view further information for Middlingbank quarry.
Quarries/gravel pits are strategically located throughout the region in order to reduce transport costs.
Council adheres to best practice guidelines with regard to plant and material hygiene, noxious weed control and sediment control.
Middlingbank Quarry
The Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 introduces the changes below to improve the way pollution incidents are reported and managed.
Most of the changes apply to the holders of environment protection licences under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act). However, any person carrying on an activity or an occupier of premises also has revised obligations relating to the notification of pollution incidents.
Council undertakes Crushing and Screening Activities at the Middlingbank Quarry under an EPA Licence – 20520 The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 requires Council to implement a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP).
This can be viewed by following the link below:
Middlingbank Quarry Pollution Incident Response Management Plan(PDF, 3MB)