Seeking leaders, dreamers and visionaries

Published on 02 June 2023

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Nominations are open now for the Snowy Monaro Youth Advisory Committee, and we’re seeking applications from anyone between 12 and 24 years old who dreams big and wants to change the world – or at very least the Snowy Monaro.

Formerly known as the Youth Council, the Youth Advisory Committee gives young people the opportunity to advocate for what they believe in, and give Council and councillors a direct line to the young people in our region.

Applications close Sunday 25 June 2023.

What does the Youth Advisory Committee do?

  • Advocates for, provides advice on, and makes recommendations to Council on matters affecting young people
  • Coordinates, plans and implements community activities and events, including National Youth Week
  • Identifies and initiates opportunities for the participation and involvement of young people in community activities

Download the form on this page to start your application today.

For further information call 1300 345 345 or email

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