Celebrating and recognising all who choose to make a difference

Published on 22 May 2024

Volunteers with the NSW SES pose for a photo with SES vehicles

Snowy Monaro Regional Council is celebrating the tireless efforts of our region's volunteers this National Volunteer Week, currently underway across the country until Sunday 26 May 2024.

This year's theme, Something for Everyone, highlights that these selfless community members come from all walks of life, and the huge number of different ways that anyone can get involved to make a difference.

Mayor Chris Hanna said volunteers are the backbone of the Snowy Monaro region.

‘From those who give their time to drive community members to essential medical appointments, to our brave and committed RFS members – our region’s volunteers really show what our community here in the Snowy Monaro is all about,’ said Mayor Hanna.

On behalf of a grateful region, Council extends its heartfelt thanks and appreciation to volunteers throughout the Snowy Monaro for their generous and vital work.

The importance of these contributions to rural and regional areas like ours cannot be overstated. Whether it's delivering meals to the elderly through Meals on Wheels, helping to maintain trails and public spaces, or assisting at our libraries and visitor centres – every minute volunteered has an enormous positive impact.

‘I encourage everyone to take a moment this National Volunteer Week to thank a volunteer making a difference in our community. To all our volunteers – thank you for your dedication, generosity and for making the Snowy Monaro a better place every day,’ said Mayor Hanna.

The Snowy Monaro has a strong culture of volunteering, with the 2021 Census showing volunteering participation rates well above state and national averages.

Council offers information on a range of volunteering opportunities across the region. To learn more, visit https://qrco.de/SMRCvolunteers or contact Council by email at council@snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au or phone 1300 345 345. 

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