Cooma-Monaro Shire Development Control Plan

This Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed provisions with respect to the design and carrying out of development within Cooma-Monaro Shire. The fundamental purpose of these provisions is to complement the Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2013 and assist in the achievement of its aims and objectives. As such it should be read in conjunction with the Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2013, which sets the primary planning provisions for the Cooma-Monaro local government area, and other relevant environmental planning instruments made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 (EP&A Act).


This Plan aims to:

  1. Provide detailed development controls for the whole of the Cooma-Monaro local government area to assist in the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Cooma-Monaro Local Environmental Plan 2013.
  2. Achieve a high quality environment (both natural and built) that maintains or enhances the character of the Cooma-Monaro local government area and its localities.
  3. Encourage development that contributes to the quality of the public domain.
  4. Ensure development positively responds to the qualities of the site and its context.
  5. Guide applicants in preparing high-quality standard development applications.
  6. Provide clarity