Help us to build a more inclusive future for the Snowy Monaro
Published on 21 May 2024
Snowy Monaro Regional Council is excited to announce that the draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2024 –2028 is now open for public consultation. We want to hear from you to help shape the final plan, and ensure that it meets the needs of our community.
The DIAP sets out a four-year roadmap to make the Snowy Monaro region more inclusive, accessible, and connected for people with disability. It outlines the steps Council, our partners, and the community can take to ensure everyone has access to services, facilities, events, and information.
We've been developing this plan over the last 12 months, incorporating community feedback from surveys and interviews conducted in late 2023. Now, we're inviting you to review the updated draft and share your thoughts.
Whether you're a person living with disability, a family member, caregiver, service provider, or if you’re just passionate about making our region more equal and accessible for all – your voice matters. Take our quick online survey today by visiting and let us know what you think of the draft plan.
The draft DIAP is on public exhibition now until Sunday 16 June 2024.
We want to make the Snowy Monaro a more inclusive and welcoming place for everyone. Your feedback will make a real difference as we work to finalise the DIAP, which will guide our work in this important area over the next four years.
Don't miss this opportunity to have your say. Visit today and complete the survey. With your help we can build a stronger, more connected community here in the Snowy Monaro.
For more information or assistance, please contact our friendly team on 1300 345 345 or email