The Special Rate Variation survey has closed. What happens now?

Published on 23 January 2023

Office workers working with financial documents

Consultation on the potential Special Rate Variation (SRV) for Snowy Monaro Regional Council closed Sunday 22 January 2023, with Councillors to meet at an Extraordinary Meeting next Monday 30 January 2023 in Cooma to discuss the way forward.

During the community consultation we received 1963 online survey responses along with 126 written submissions, in addition to an extensive question-and-answer section on our Your Say engagement website which we updated as questions were received.

At Monday’s meeting, Councillors will discuss the results of the community consultation and decide whether to formally apply for a rate variation – or not – and if so, how much of an increase to apply for.

Councillors can choose not to proceed any further with the SRV and the process ends.

If Councillors vote to support an SRV, Council will notify the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) of this decision. IPART will then review Council’s application and assess whether to allow a variation, or not.

The quality of Council’s engagement, the capacity of the community to afford the proposed rise, and the financial position of Snowy Monaro Regional Council are some of the factors IPART will consider in coming to their decision.

IPART will conduct their own consultation and engagement with ratepayers and the broader community during this time.

Ultimately, IPART may choose to grant the requested increase percentage, or approve a different amount they deem more appropriate.

If an SRV is approved, Councillors will meet again to decide whether or not to proceed with the approved variation. Councillors can choose to proceed with a lower-than-approved increase or to abandon the SRV altogether.

This is another opportunity for the process to end, following further feedback and deliberation.

Visit to review documentation, FAQs, and more about the potential Special Rate Variation.

Visit to tune into Monday’s council meeting webcast, or read through the meeting’s business paper when released later this week.

For further information call 1300 345 345 or email


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